Welcome To planHELP
When experience matters
planHELP brings together community and public service expertise to help families and participants engage with the NDIS more efficiently.
Supporting You
We Are Here To Help
We have the resources to help you succeed.
Our team of experts can help you better understand the NDIS and how it can support you.
We do not speak on behalf of the NDIA, but we know the ins-and-outs of the planning process and have the community’s best interest top of mind.

What we can do for you
Our Services

At planHELP, our core mission is to empower individuals and families to seamlessly navigate the complex NDIS landscape. Whether you’re caring for a child with a disability or seeking guidance for yourself, or someone close to you, we’re here to ensure you receive information that is well-informed and honest

planHELP has conducted hundreds of successful NDIS plan reviews. We can help evidence base and message your support needs to the NDIA. It is one of our specialties.

This is a growing area of planHELP and as the scheme moves forward, more people will be required to undertake eligibility reassessments, especially as they move out of Early Intervention. We help reduce the stress of this process.

planHELP founder Caroline has been a leader of NDIS self-management since 2013, and has helped thousands of participants better understand how to exercise choice and control. Whether you are engaging staff or managing budgets, planHELP can help.

Through no fault of their own, people can find themselves at the AAT. Caroline has successfully supported many families navigate the complexities. Much like NDIS reviews, the AAT process relies on sound evidence and appropriate messaging.

planHELP have supported many families prepare for major life transitions. Whether you are starting or finishing school, exploring adulthood and ILO or SIL support for moving out of the family home, planhelp can offer expert guidance.
Registered NDIS Provider
We know you are looking for the logo – you are not going to find it. In our experience, no-one loves the NDIS – they need the support it can provide.
Our NDIS Registration number is: 4050083502
planHELP’s purpose is to support people to navigate the NDIS.
Current best practice says it takes 10,000 hours to master any skillset.
We offer training that gives you the benefit of that level of expertise.
- Online Resources
- The NDIS Coach
- NDIS Community
- NDIS Professionals
What Our Clients Say
I learnt more talking to Caroline for a few minutes than I have from any support coordinator for hours...she knew more and explained what I needed to do so well and made me confident enough to ask for what I needed HIGHLY RECCOMMENDED.
I have used this service when I decided to self manage my NDIS plan. I had a consultation and found it very easy to understand, setup and follow. The best part was that if I was unsure about something they were just a phone call away. Highly recommend this service to anyone starting their NDIS journey or needing NDIS information. Thanks again x
I would recommend Caroline Daley to anyone wanting to get the most out of the NDIS and their own plan. Her knowledge of the scheme, and lived experience of self managing her daughter Siobhan's plan, along with negotiating and employing staff, service agreements and navigating the maze of how you can use your funding - in fact anything NDIS is without equal! Anyone working with her and her team is bound to come out MUCH better off!
PlanHelp really know their stuff! It is great to work with Coordinators who understand the difference between various allied health roles, the scope of practice within professions, and the importance of a cohesive approach across a treatment team. PlanHelp have the difficult conversations with participants and their families so that they are ready for true lifelong gains to be made.
Lucy, Occupational therapist
At a time when a family member was unable to manage his own supports anymore, it was a high stress time for me, and the thought of taking over the NDIS planning and support, was overwhelming; wondering where to start and how would I be able to navigate this whole new world.
I would never have been able to support my family to lead a fulfilling and independent life, without Sean and Caroline at planHELP supporting me. I am forever grateful for the huge assistance in navigating the unknown NDIS planning process, education given and help provided to me me to understand how it all works.
As a family with very 2 very complex needs children we wouldn't be where we are today without the support, perspective, advice and guidance that Caroline and Sean bring to the table. Our family would not function as it does and I believe the family unit itself would not be able to endure the overwhelm and exhaustion of trying to navigate a complex system that was designed to be extremely challenging. Caroline and Sean have achieved outcomes above and beyond anything that I thought possible due to their knowledge and experience. I wish there were more people out there like Sean and Caroline because every complex family needs a clone of them in their corner when navigating NDIS for the required level of support and care that our loved ones need to live a meaningful life.
Xx The Fielden Family xX
Our Support Coordination team at Empowered Community Services recently had the opportunity to participate in training provided by planHelp. The content was relevant, the delivery engaging, and the insights invaluable. Team members expressed that it was the best training they've ever experienced, highlighting the real-world applicability of the lessons learned. planHelp's approach has empowered us with new skills that are already making a difference in our work. We appreciate their dedication and highly recommend their services to anyone seeking effective professional development.
Empowered communities.
I’m not sure how I stumbled across PlanHelp in my time of desperation but I count it as one of the biggest strokes of luck I’ve had.
I was at my lowest ebb, after 10 years of trying to support my daughter who lives with with complex disability (Kury-Isidor Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Intellectual Disability, Short Stature) and trying to figure out how to navigate the system on my own, doing my best to find evidence and supports that my daughter needed and fighting the constant battle with the NDIA as they cut supports every plan review.
5 NDIS plans, 5 plan reviews and I was at breaking point.
I am a fairly savvy well educated professional but it’s impossible to navigate when you don’t have a map. Caroline and Sean are my map. They gave me the advice I needed when I needed it, real talk (also when needed) and talked me off the cliff a few times too. Caroline’s lived experience and gentle but pragmatic manner are like a warm hug. Sean’s birdseye view of the system, incredible brain and no nonsense straight talk (no bullshit) is awe inspiring and gave us so much insight.
Over a period of around six months the team took me through a change of circumstances review for my daughter’s plan.
• They connected me with experts (speech & OT) who were able to provide the evidence the NDIA needs to support a plan that meets the needs of my daughter and our family
• They built my capacity to understand how the NDIA works
• They built my language and understanding around evidence and data in the disability context
• They just got it. They weren’t shocked or scared by the experiences we have been living with and offered various pathways and approaches that had worked for others
• Helped me to understand the various pathways available and make informed choices about which approach to take
• Drafted the change of circumstances request
• Attended the plan review meeting and guided the discussion.
It’s not everyone who needs PlanHelp, but for those who do they are a lifeline.
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Ready to Work Together? We’re Ready and Waiting!